Online games for fundraising? What nonprofits should consider
Strategy & Planning, Allyra
There appears to be a developing trend that's banking off the popularity of online gaming to drive people to engage in philanthropy as they play with fellow gamers.
The importance of visuals in nonprofit fundraising
Strategy & Planning
For nonprofit fundraising professionals, it's always a challenge to know how to balance visual content with other kinds of information.
Feeling rejected? Learn from unresponsive donors
Digital Marketing, Strategy & Planning
There are significant and longstanding lessons learned from donors who no longer provide financial support.
The 6 Key Stages of Major Donor Development
Nonprofits, Strategy & Planning
Use these 6 major prospect stages to identify the philanthropic potential of your base of prospective major gift donors.
5 Steps to Successful Project Transitions
Strategy & Planning
The Project Managers at Allegiance Group have put together a handy list of 5 steps to a successful project handoff.
How a Project Manager Can Protect Their Project from Scope Creep
Strategy & Planning
Efficient Project Management with JIRA Dashboards
Strategy & Planning
Better Donation Analytics with eCommerce Tracking in Google Analytics
Analytics & Insights
Does Flyout Navigation Really Confuse Users?
Analytics & Insights, UX & Visual Design