Iowa Public Television

Custom model gives new life to mature acquisition campaign

What We Did

Direct Mail, Strategy & Planning

The Challenge

Iowa Public Television had been mailing the same acquisition control package—successfully—for many years, and it helped build a mature and successful program. However, in recent years, acquisition response rates have been softening.

IPTV wanted to reverse the trend without abandoning the control package that worked so well and provided high brand recognition in the market.

The Solution

Knowing that “who” you mail determines as much as 60% of a campaign’s success, Allegiance Group + Pursuant created a custom acquisition response model for IPTV. There is no charge to build a custom acquisition response model, and the list is similar in cost to other acquisition lists, so not only does a response model offer a source of new names, but it is cost-neutral.

Working with our data co-op partner, Allegiance Group + Pursuant leveraged actual donor response data from IPTV and built a list model that was customized specifically to find prospects most likely to become donors to Iowa Public Television. The list emphasized response rate as the behavior we wanted to model.

The Results

The custom modeled list was a success!

  • The modeled list generated the second-highest response rate and the average gift of any list in the campaign.
  • The custom list model accomplished IPTV’s goal of increasing response rate without changing packages or adding to cost.
Custom list model increased response rate without changing packages or adding to cost.

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