Why Having an Online Presence is Important for Nonprofits

One way 501(c)(3) organizations can increase fundraising efforts is by having a strong Web presence. A good website is a must for nonprofits and any other charitable organizations. Technology has created an e-commerce environment where people have become accustomed to making online transactions using personal computers or mobile devices. A charitable organization can tap into this new consumer behavior by creating a website that is informational and includes a portal for online giving that is also supported on smartphones and tablets.
Nonprofit Technology Network states that a third of today’s Web traffic comes from mobile devices. This is why it is imperative that 501(c)(3) group websites accommodate tablet and smartphone users. Failure to do so may result in significant missed opportunities to receive contributions from potential donors.
NTEN offers a number of good tips on how a nonprofit can improve its site to help drive more donations into the organization. However, here are a few suggestions that stand out the most:
- Less is more: A cluttered website that is difficult for users to navigate when searching for information about the charity or locating the online giving portal is disadvantageous. NTEN suggests clean Web designs that are easy to view and have all of the information that a potential donor would want to see, ideally all on the landing page.
- Know your donors: Depending on the mission of the nonprofit, it is likely to have people who are passionate supporters and want to help. Knowing who these people are and what moves them, a 501(c)(3) organization can design a compelling website that taps into their emotions, encouraging them to give.
- Map out your goals: Before implementing a website or conducting a redesign, a nonprofit must have clearly defined goals to achieve success. Is raising awareness the purpose? Will it be used to drive more donations? Knowing what the end game is will help shape the design process to ensure the site achieves its purpose.
Other helpful nonprofit website tips
Having a presence on the Web in terms of a dedicated site can help a charitable organization when it comes to nonprofit fundraising. However, there are a number of 501(c)(3) groups that just don’t have the financial resources to support having a site that is updated frequently. So how can these charities leverage technology and the Internet? By using Google.
A recent Business 2 Community post lists a number of ways that nonprofits can leverage the power of the world’s most used search engine. B2C states that 67.6 percent of people will uncover the information they’re looking for via Google. If a charity can create good Web content, such as blog posts or a landing page that answers frequently asked questions about a specific cause, then there is an increased chance the organization can be discovered by potential donors on Google.
According to Digital Market Ramblings, 11.9 billion searches are conducted on the search engine every month. That is a sizable amount of traffic that nonprofits should capitalize on by creating strong online content.
B2C states that event or training videos, annual reports, newsletters, informational brochures, or blog posts from the head of the organization would be suitable forms of content that a nonprofit can use to increase its chances of being found on Google as a result of organic searches.
Whether a charitable organization has a website that accepts donations or simply offers valuable information, having an online presence is a great way to help the nonprofit fundraising efforts of any 501(c)(3) group.