
Keep Them Coming Back for More: Renewal Strategies to Improve Retention
Nonprofits, Public Media, Digital Marketing, Direct Mail, Strategy & Planning
Learn how to use text message reminders, artificial intelligence, and second gift conversion emails to boost renewal performance.

4 Ways Technology Can Improve Donor Relations
Nonprofits, Strategy & Planning
Leveraging technology for fundraising makes face-to-face donor engagement an affordable approach to effectively build donor relationships.

Everything You Need to Know About Acquisition Before the Next Fiscal Year
Nonprofits, Analytics & Insights, Digital Marketing, Direct Mail, Strategy & Planning, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Ads
Offset donor churn and revenue erosion with a right-sized annual acquisition plan that makes the most of both direct mail and digital channels.

Update on Early 2021 Facebook Ad Changes
Digital Marketing, Google Ads
GDPR and CCPA are set to become the standard -- rather than the outliers -- and ad measurement is going to become more difficult.

Google Ad Grants: Optimizing for 2021
Google Ads
Want to maximize the value of your ad grant in 2021? Watch this webinar to learn best practices and learn about new features.

How to conduct a T-test to test statistical significance of average gift
Analytics & Insights, Digital Marketing
So, you’ve just run a test to try to improve average order size or average gift. Now you need to see if you results are statistically significant.

Google Analytics 4: What You Need to Know
Analytics & Insights, Digital Marketing
As if these last few months haven’t given us more than our fair share of things to worry about, Google Analytics has recently launched the latest version of its platform, called Google Analytics 4 (GA 4).

Google Questions Hub & Passage Indexing: A Perfect Pair
Digital Marketing
This post will help you understand how search engines have been changing over the years and how you can use this knowledge to create the best content for your audience.

7 Key Database Metrics
Analytics & Insights, Strategy & Planning
Become familiar with the 7 Key Database Metrics. How to calculate them. Why you should pay attention to them. And how you can use them to make smart decisions as you plan future campaigns.

Data-Driven Content Strategy: How to Use Data to Write Effective Website Content
Digital Marketing, UX & Visual Design
Effective content is content that helps your audience accomplish their goals and helps your business accomplish its business goals.

31 Irresistible Questions To Get Your Major Gift Donor Talking
Nonprofits, Strategy & Planning