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    Apple Privacy Changes Will Cloud Email Open Rates

    Nonprofits, Professional Associations, Digital Marketing
    Apple recently announced that its upcoming release of iOS 15 will include a number of privacy-related changes designed to give users greater control over their personal information that is shared with third parties.
    man drawing email automation series on a board

    6 Email Automations That Drive Revenue

    Nonprofits, Professional Associations, Digital Marketing
    Good marketing is having the right message, for the right people at the right time. Email automation does just that by sending emails based on user behavior.

    How to Measure and Track Your Website’s Success in Google Analytics

    Professional Associations, Analytics & Insights, Digital Marketing, UX & Visual Design, Google Analytics
    A successful website achieves your organization’s goals and satisfies your visitors’ needs. Learn why assigning organization’s and visitors’ goals to your content is critical to measure the success of your website. We will look at how to implement and measure ecommerce and Google Analytics goals to measure those goals.
    Google homepage

    Google Page Experience Update: Is Your Site Ready?

    Digital Marketing, Website Development
    Starting in mid-June 2021, Google will begin the gradual rollout of a new page experience update that could impact how your website is ranked in Google’s search algorithm.

    Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics: Tips for Tracking Content

    Professional Associations, Analytics & Insights

    Keep Them Coming Back for More: Renewal Strategies to Improve Retention

    Nonprofits, Public Media, Digital Marketing, Direct Mail, Strategy & Planning
    Learn how to use text message reminders, artificial intelligence, and second gift conversion emails to boost renewal performance.

    4 Ways Technology Can Improve Donor Relations

    Nonprofits, Strategy & Planning
    Leveraging technology for fundraising makes face-to-face donor engagement an affordable approach to effectively build donor relationships.
    people holding donation icons

    Everything You Need to Know About Acquisition Before the Next Fiscal Year

    Nonprofits, Analytics & Insights, Digital Marketing, Direct Mail, Strategy & Planning, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Ads
    Offset donor churn and revenue erosion with a right-sized annual acquisition plan that makes the most of both direct mail and digital channels.
    illustration of digital ads

    Update on Early 2021 Facebook Ad Changes

    Digital Marketing, Google Ads
    GDPR and CCPA are set to become the standard -- rather than the outliers -- and ad measurement is going to become more difficult.

    Google Ad Grants: Optimizing for 2021

    Google Ads
    Want to maximize the value of your ad grant in 2021? Watch this webinar to learn best practices and learn about new features.

    How to conduct a T-test to test statistical significance of average gift

    Analytics & Insights, Digital Marketing
    So, you’ve just run a test to try to improve average order size or average gift. Now you need to see if you results are statistically significant.

    Google Analytics 4: What You Need to Know

    Analytics & Insights, Digital Marketing

    As if these last few months haven’t given us more than our fair share of things to worry about, Google Analytics has recently launched the latest version of its platform, called Google Analytics 4 (GA 4).