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    352% increase in donation form pageviews
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    Uniting Canadians with hope in Multiple Sclerosis

    Disease and Health, Human Services, UX & Visual Design, Website Development, Drupal
    With their sights set on a world free of Multiple Sclerosis, the MS Canada aims to create a connected and empowered community as a solution for positive change for all Canadians living with MS.
    With CHCS’s values at the core, new website provides a warm, inclusive, and accessible user-centric online experience
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    Elevating a Brand to Make Health Care Work for More People

    Disease and Health, UX & Visual Design, Website Development, WordPress
    Driving higher visitor engagement by transforming Center for Health Care Strategies’ web footprint.
    Interactive web application allows ACCC to provide a higher level of service to cancer patients and their healthcare providers.
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    Web App Developed Using Sitefinity Reduces Costs and Improves User Experience

    Disease and Health, Professional Associations, UX & Visual Design, Website Development, Sitefinity
    A fully digital Patient Assistance & Reimbursement Guide is added to the Association of Community Cancer Centers website.
    $1.7m more raised by 9% of the donors to the campaign than they did the previous year
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    Multi-Channel Fundraising Campaign Achieves Transformational Results

    Disease and Health, Human Services, Digital Marketing, Direct Mail, Strategy & Planning
    An integrated direct mail and digital fundraising campaign For Community Health Network Foundation builds awareness and engagement.
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    Strategies For An Annual Giving Program

    Disease and Health, Human Services, Analytics & Insights, Digital Marketing, Strategy & Planning
    Individual giving program using data-driven insights builds momentum for reaching more donors who are passionate about their mission.
    86% positive feedback on content
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    American Physical Therapy Association

    Professional Associations, Analytics & Insights, UX & Visual Design, Website Development
    APTA came to Allegiance Group + Pursuant for a full redesign including digital strategy, content and messaging work, information architecture, wireframes, and development.
    67,000 Teens moved to action with mobile marketing
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    truth Campaign

    Disease and Health, Digital Marketing, Website Development, Drupal, Mobile Commons
    truth collaborated with Allegiance Group + Pursuant on a multi-step, SMS, email, and social messaging program called “Not Happy or Healthy," to bring attention to the issue of tobacco sales in Walgreens pharmacies and to foster action for a petition to ban tobacco sales in Walgreens and other pharmacies.
    50% Donor retention rate for the overall direct mail program
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    Understanding Supporters Leads To Increased Conversions

    Disease and Health, Direct Mail, Strategy & Planning
    Stronger storytelling and additional stewardship touches based on data-driven analytics dramatically increase donor retention, average gift amounts, and donor reactivation.