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How to set up GA4 export for BigQuery something like “Company Name GA4”, making sure to replace the words Company Name with your own company. Then click SAVE. Now you are ready for the next step in...

Digital Fundraising Strategies Increase Growth and Revenue

...and present them with compelling calls-to-action to help drive consistent new donor growth. Search Engine Marketing drives qualified traffic Since its founding in 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation has developed...

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Make Your Website More Accessible

...cognitive, neurological, physical, speech, or visual disabilities. These users may use accessibility tools that come built into browsers, such as magnification, custom styling, font size adjustments, keyboard shortcuts, and more....

2 Strategies for Long-Term Fundraising Success

...on the medium- and long-term strategies that provide the most benefit.  How can you focus your station’s resources on the big picture for fundraising success? Membership programs and drives “A...

Using Analytics To Maximize Support

...this strategy would enable the team to invest time and effort on these particular potential donors based on personal data.  The COVID-19 pandemic has added layers of complexity to almost...

Donor Acquisition Direct Mail Campaign Model

...mail file received calendar 455% increase in gross revenue YOY The Houston SPCA continues to grow in our service to the community year over year. From disaster response, to companion...

Targeted Email Campaign Propels GivingTuesday Returns

Many nonprofits continue to feel the squeeze of the COVID-19 pandemic. A heightened need among the communities they serve combined with donors tightening their belts means fundraisers must make the...