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How to Choose Email Testing Metrics

...tool offers A/B testing suggestions or chooses automated winners, I recommend that you know how to and feel comfortable doing your own math. More importantly, know how your email tool...

How to Bring in Corporate Sponsors

...list. Your research might involve checking in with connections in the local nonprofit community and discussing potential options with volunteers and staff when it comes to companies in your area....

Does Flyout Navigation Really Confuse Users?

...Instead, though many users complain about the number of clicks it takes to find things, UIE has concluded that these complaints from users are “…really complaints about failing to find...

The importance of visuals in nonprofit fundraising

...identify the areas that donors come from as they make contributions in real time. By incorporating fundraising software with online tools like Google Maps, nonprofit groups can help generate momentum...

Volunteer Management is Key for Nonprofit Organizations

...who are willing to be volunteers with charitable organizations. Taproot created a website that functions as an online marketplace for nonprofits needing help in specific areas, The Chronicle wrote. Participating...

4 Tips for Driving Engagement from Sustaining Donors

...their eligibility for a matching gift from their employer (typically after being prompted to do so by the organization to which they gave). The donor completes a brief online submission...

4 Nonprofits Leading the Way in Innovation with friends. This innovative campaign resulted in valuable data collection, increased supporter engagement, and the acquisition of new donors. 3. Compassion International Compassion International provides aid to more than 1.35...